CAse Studies

Glance at some of our previous projects and premium executions across the UK

West Kirby Residential School

Project specs


25kWp. Jetion JT240PCe 240W


SMA STP 12000TL-20 with SMA Webbox remote monitor


Shletter on-roof sheet metal


As a non-maintained special school, West Kirby Residential School caters for pupils year round, 7 days a week. With a great south facing roof on their sports centre, the school were keen to make the most of it – and following a tendering process, commissioned Williams Renewables to install their solar PV system.

Worlds End Studios

Project specs


10kWp. 40 x Suntech STP250S 250W


Kaco 10.0 TL3 inverter


K2 Speedrail mounting system for metal roofs


Worlds End Studios, a converted factory now made up of over 50 companies in West London, were repairing their roof in summer 2011 and decided to combine it with the installation of a solar PV system, something that ties in well with the ethos of the building itself.

Friday Island

Project specs


49.92kWp. 208 x Kyocera KD240GH 240W


5 x SMA Tripower 10000TL-10


Deger Energie Solar Trackers


Friday Island has long been an advocate of green technology – each one of their log cabins is already heated using water-to-air heat pumps, making the most of their natural surrounding resources. The next logical step for the resort was to generate the overwhelming majority of its power requirements from the sun.

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